If you have children, are you sure that they agree with and can explain the Bible – based stand on transfusions? Do they truly believe this stand to be God’s will? Are they convinced that to violate God’s law would be so serious that it could put at risk a Christian’s prospect for everlasting life? Wise parents will review these matters with their children, whether they be very young or almost adults. Parents may hold practice sessions in which each youth faces questions that might be posed by a judge or a hospital official. The goal is not to have a youth repeat by rote selected facts or answers. It is more important that they know what they believe, and why. Of course, at a court hearing, the parents or others might present information about the risks of blood and the availability of alternative therapies. But what a judge or an official would likely seek to learn from speaking with our children is whether they maturely understand their situation and options and also whether they have their own values and firm convictions.
- The Watchtower 06/15/1991 p. 18 Emphasis added
How strenuously should a Christian resist a blood transfusion that has been ordered or authorized by a court? God’s law must be obeyed!…if a court – authorized transfusion seemed likely, a Christian might choose to avoid being accessible for such a violation of God’s law….If a Christian did put forth very strenuous efforts to avoid a violation of God’s law on blood, authorities might consider him a law-breaker or make him liable to prosecution. If punishment did result, the Christian could view it as suffering for the sake of righteousness.
- The Watchtower 06/15/1991 p. 31 Emphasis added
Until they retract this kind of advice what else can be expected of obedient Jehovah's Witnesses?